Category Archives: Oakville

Miaou, miaou, miaou / Meow !

Miaou, miaou miaaaoouuuu. Miaou miaou mi a ou mia ouuuuuuuuuuuuuu. Miaoooooooooouuuuuuuuuuu, miaou miaou miaou mi mi aou! Miiiiiiiaaaaouuuuuu miaou miaaaaaaaaaou miaouuuu…

Meoooowww, meow meow. Meowww me ow me me owwwwwwwwwwwwww. Meooooooooowwwwwwwwww, meoowww meow meow, me me me owwww ! Meooooowwwwwwwwwwww meowwwwwwwwww “miaou”, meowww…

Docteur Maboul / Operation

On m’a souvent demandé si le jeu Docteur Maboul m’avait inspiré mes créatures. A vrai dire, non. Ce weekend j’ai trouvé une vieille boite de jeu dans un vide-grenier. Voyons ce qu’on va pouvoir en tirer.

Many times, people asked me if Operation was a source of inspiration for my creatures. To be frank, not at all. I found this box last weekend. We’ll see what I’ll end up doing with it. May be my own interpretation of the game…

Flâneries / Week end walk

En hommage au Roi du rien, j’ai créé une petite tribu de têtes couronnées, juste “histoire de” m’occuper ce weekend, en attendant le vernissage de Stand Up Tall part. II.

As a tribute to the King of nothing, I created a little tribe of monarchs, wandering around Oakland. I can’t wait for the opening of Stand Up Tall part. II, it should be a great experience. Have a good weekend my friends.


Artistes locaux / Oakland’s talents

Oakland a la chance d’avoir une belle scène autocollante, indépendante de San Francisco et riche d’artistes très variés. Pour commencer l’année 2011 en beauté, voici une liste de ceux qui auront toute mon attention au cours des prochains mois. Pour certains d’entre eux, j’attends même avec curiosité de voir leur évolution. Les californiens ont tendance a se contenter du noir et blanc, je suis plus adepte des couleurs. Pourvu qu’ils s’y mettent.

Pour avoir un bon aperçu de ce qui se passe dans la Baie de San Francisco, voici une quelques Flickr qui en donnent un joli panorama.

Endless canvas
Baby cujo
Bay area stickers
Bay area graffiti

The Bay Area of San Francisco is full of street artists. Oakland has its own talents. There are various sticker artists that I particularly like. To start 2011 with positive vibrations, here is a list of a few artists that I am curious to see evolve in the next months. Californians seem to enjoy black and white stickers. I tend to prefer colors. Of course, a lot of artists are missing, so don’t hesitate to send me pictures or link. I am always happy to see more creative stuff!

Also, I don’t take that many photos, but some guys in the area are doing a great job at it. You can start with these Flickr, they would give you a good idea of what is going on.

Endless canvas
Baby cujo
Bay area stickers
Bay area graffiti

Donc je commence, sans ordre particulier:
With no particular order:



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I can just agree.

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He is new, he is cool, he became visible really fast. I love his faces/masks.


Je me permet de lui emprunter cette photo, étant donné que je n’en ai aucune de récente. Quoi qu’il en soit, il a un véritable style, son propre langage, une identité très marquée et je suis assez fan de son originalité.

I feel a shame, I don’t have any recent picture of his work. I took this one from his photo-stream, I hope he won’t mind. Anyway, keep an eye on his stuff, that’s just great. He has a real universe, his own aesthetic, his own language, that’s totally original.

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I don’t know why he is called creeptopus on Flickr, given that he never signed anything else than G. That’s quite funny. The octopus is super fun. I love logos and this one works perfectly.

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If you have some of his sticker to trade, just tell me. I’ve been trying to get some of his stuff for a while.

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The only thing I know is that he appeared one day and was all over the place. I love the special Halloween bomb.


I saw that last week. I am already a big fan.



This is the real purpose of this post, to make a tribute to all these anonymous artists whom I see the work all around without really knowing who they are. My favorite thing is to find new stickers, new images, new logos, with no real artistic meanings but with a fascinating results.

This post is not meant to be a best-of, this is a sample of what I see around. I would love if you have links are names to share about artists of the Bay Area.

Charlie 2010 / Waldo 2010

En 2005 j’ai collé une série d’affiches dans Paris. 10 Charlie collés dans 10 arrondissements différents. Session en solo très enrichissante. Une longue marche.

In 2005 I made a series of posters. 10 Waldos in different positions, wheat-pasted on the same day in 10 arrondissements of Paris. A long walk by myself and a lot of fun.

En 2007 j’ai repris l’idée de Charlie caché à travers la ville. Pour moi c’est l’incarnation du désir et du bonheur simple. Un petit bonhomme que l’on cherche pendant des heures à s’en tuer les yeux. Cette fois ci c’était une série de 100 stickers numérotés, collés dans tout Paris. J’ai collé ça en 3 ou 4 fois, sur une dizaine de jours. A chaque fois j’ai essayé d’avoir un support visible mais discret pour que mon autocollant reste. Certains sont encore là 3 ans après.

In 2007 I kept this idea. This time it was for a series of stickers. 100 of them, numbered and pasted all over the city. it took me around 3 or 4 afternoons. For each of them I tried to find a spot discrete enough that the sticker would stay a while. Some of them are still alive after 3 years. To me Waldo is the incarnation of desire and pleasure. A character that you can chase hours on pages, which makes you so happy once found.

2010 je relance le jeu. Cette fois ci à Oakland, autour du Lake. Charlie et tous ces amis se sont perdus autour du Lake Merrit. Celui qui trouvera les 5 personnages en premier se sverra remettre une des mes sérigraphies. Bonne chasse!

2010 on the road again! Waldo and his friends are back. This time the got lost in Oakland around the Lake Merrit. The one who can find the 5 stickers first would have the pleasure to receive a silk screen. Have fun!