Un peu de pub pour un petit évènement qui me semble des plus sympathiques. Une exposition de stickers ouverte au plus grand nombre. Elle aura lieu a Oakland a partir du 24 avril. Si vous souhaitez participer envoyer vos autocollants a la Triple2seveN Gallery (2227 International blvd, Oakland, Ca 94606). La baie de San Francisco est riche en stickers, je crois savoir que l’organisation de l’expo aimerais en recevoir d’un peu partout, histoire de montrer un large éventail. Avis aux amateurs, c’est pour bientot alors ne trainez pas.
Bay Area Based/ International Sticker Show
Triple2seven Gallery and Colour of Shadow zine presents a show dedicated to stickers. Bay Area has had a strong sticker and poster scene. From the slap tag to the character based to the random wtf type of sticker. Although this is Bay Area based/focused show we called upon friends from Chicago, New York, Europe, Asia, South America and Austrailia and were opening it up to all.
send in large and small stickers for a huge wall combo and for the random sculptures in the room. paste ups also welcomed. Original works incouraged.
If you got extra send a stack for the freebie sticker table.
For more information email: colourofshadow@yahoo.com
Mail stickers and what not to:
Triple2seveN Gallery
2227 International blvd.
Oakland, Ca 94606