Category Archives: Grand Lake Theatre

Dave Warnke & Michael Wertz / Super Furry 504


Super Furry 504
Please join Dave Warnke and Michael Wertz for a super fun art show. Paintings, prints, live music, tasty snacks and adult beverages.
The date: Friday, March 6th
Start time: 7pm
The place: Cafe 504, 504 Wesley Ave, Oakland, California

Yesterday, meet up with Dave and Michael at the Cafe 504 while they  were preparing a mural for their new show: Super Furry 504. Fun discussion between some beers, the taste of a cookie in the mouth and the smell of spray cans all around.
I took some pictures as a teaser, unfortunately most of them are blurry, these are the less bad. More information about Dave pretty soon. If you are around Oakland on Friday, this show is definitively to add to the art murmur.




Oscar Grant / RIP

Oscar Grant

22 ans, père d’une fille de 4 ans, il travaillait comme boucher dans un super-marché. La nuit du nouvel an une bagarre éclate dans une station du Bart (l’équivalent du RER, qui dessert la baie de San Francisco). La police du Bart arrive sur les lieux et arrête tout le monde, dont Oscar qui se retrouve entouré de plusieurs officiers et allongé sur le ventre. L’officier Johannes Mehserle sort son arme et lui tire dessus à bout portant. La scène est filmée par quelques téléphones portables. La vidéo se retrouve sur internet. La bavure choque et émeut la population, principalement a Oakland et SF.

Quelques jours plus tard une manifestation est organisée. Comme souvent quelques excités rejoignent la foule et une émeute éclate. Rien de monstrueux, quelques vitrines cassées. La police est assez efficace. On entend les hélicoptère au loin, ils nous permettent de suivre l’évènement en direct à la télé. Une centaine d’arrestation s’en suit. L’émotion est grande, l’atmosphère tendue. Je passe sur tous les rebondissements de l’affaire. Finalement Mehserle est inculpé pour meurtre, puis il est libéré sur caution. Les rassemblements se répètent en centre ville. Certains réclament l’émeute. L’affaire suit son cours et l’attente de la condamnation est palpable.

Pas facile de faire un billet sur cet évènement tragique sans tomber dans le pathos, les maladresses ou la démagogie. Je préfère lui rendre hommage en relayant les interventions qui ont fleuries dans la rue. Du portrait photocopie dans les vitrines des magasins, au pochoir en passant par des tag RIP. Beaucoup de choses qui laissent croire que son nom restera dans la mémoire collective, ici, et qu’il risque de réapparaitre de temps en temps.


Oscar Grant, 22 years old, father of a 4 years old daughter. He was working as a butcher in a super-market. During the night of the new year a fight started in a station of the Bart (Public transportation train of the Bay Area). Bart police arrived and arrested a bunch of people. Oscar was arrested too. Some officers around him, he was first sitting down trying to cooperate, then an officer pushed him on the ground. The next seconds, officer Johannes Mehserle pulled out his gun and shot him. The execution was caught on video by phones and visible on internet. People are shocked and moved, especially in the Bay area.

Some days later a walk was organized. Like often a minority turned it into a little riot. No big deal. Some windows broken. Police was pretty efficient. We could hear the helicopters over Downtown. The scene was broadcast live on television. One hundred arrests. Heavy atmosphere, a lot of emotion around here. Several events happened in this case. Finally Mehserle is accused of murder. Recently he was released on bail. Manifestations continued. Some are waiting for a riot to start. The case takes its course. People seem to be waiting for a strong justice decision.

It’s not easy to make a post about this sad event without being demagogic, tactless or falling in pathos. The best tribute to do is to relay some of the interventions which appeared in the street. From the portrait on shops windows to a RIP tag. His name is now in the collective memory, I bet it’s going to reappear sometimes.


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