Dave Warnke & Michael Wertz / Super Furry 504


Super Furry 504
Please join Dave Warnke and Michael Wertz for a super fun art show. Paintings, prints, live music, tasty snacks and adult beverages.
The date: Friday, March 6th
Start time: 7pm
The place: Cafe 504, 504 Wesley Ave, Oakland, California

Yesterday, meet up with Dave and Michael at the Cafe 504 while they  were preparing a mural for their new show: Super Furry 504. Fun discussion between some beers, the taste of a cookie in the mouth and the smell of spray cans all around.
I took some pictures as a teaser, unfortunately most of them are blurry, these are the less bad. More information about Dave pretty soon. If you are around Oakland on Friday, this show is definitively to add to the art murmur.




6 thoughts on “Dave Warnke & Michael Wertz / Super Furry 504

  1. elliott

    I walked by that night and peered into the window for a few minutes. They had some gocco prints that you would have been proud of.

  2. Pingback: Koleo - Paris / Californie » Interview DAVe / Dave Warnke

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